Students Choose Right College™
College Selection Software Simplifies Complexity
- Proven college planning software focusing on the selection process, one source, unlimited storage location.
- Gathers personal attributes/interests, robust college search, admissions analysis, milestone/deadline communications, etc.
- Proper student positioning for admission, essay development, and merit aid.
- Financial affordability analysis as a selector to your college list: safe, target, and reach schools.
- Builds commitment to graduating in four years.
The Guaranteed Graduation™ Program
- Students Choose Right College™
- Families Achieve Financial Clarity™
- Families Experience College Success™

The Average 4 Year College Graduation Rate is 32%. One-third of entering freshman students transfer which makes college more costly. Proper college selection is a key to graduating in four years.
Streamline College Research
Confusion results from “paralysis through analysis”?
Going to multiple websites simply is the wrong way. Go to one that provides accurate information from Wintergreen Orchard House, the leading source of college data, scholarships, and financial aid metrics.
The selection software creates accountability and guides the student throughout the college selection process; from college list development through the admission process to the final college choice.
All research, choices, and changes remain online in one place; a college guided path online portal.
As a result, the students/parents can make the best choices and can easily initiate adjustments when desired.
There are six primary planning modules within the college selection software.
- Surveys
- Standardized Test Prep Tracking
- College Search Engine
- Application Process
- Essay Development
- Decision Making
Surveys Gather Information for Student / Parent Reflection
- A Myers-Briggs personality assessment exercise showing student learning styles.
- College Affordability software that calculates expected family contribution (“EFC”) with strategic strategy suggestions.
- Standardized Test Results Plotted to What Are Your Chances Graph for Each School
- Results entered and updated for activities such as extracurricular and athletic.
Standardized Testing
- Economical Test Prep Method – Focus on What You Do Not Know, Saves Time and Increases Scores
- Dashboard
- Schedule Tests by Date, Type, Receive Reminders, etc.
- Score Comparisons Integrated with My Chances for Admissions by School
College Search Engine
- Robust search engine by various demographic and personal preferences
- Tag schools and build your college list
- Measure affordability and admission chances for each selected school
Application Process
- Planning calendar milestones and tracking
- Track essay, application requirements, etc. by school, date, and calendar follow up
- My application plan summarizes all deadlines on one-page
Final Decision Analysis
- Summary of Schools
- Acceptance Details and Award Summary
- School Cost Net Cost Comparison Summary
The software saves time and provides a multi-media experience. For example, online FISKE college guide provides pertinent information at your fingertips. Information such as admission rates, cost of attendance, essay questions, merit scholarships, graduation rates, and much more.
For example, online FISKE college guide provides pertinent information at your fingertips. Information such as admission rates, cost of attendance, graduation rates, rankings, and many other points of information.
YoUniversity is available where you see videos of schools.
College Selection Starts With A Career Assessment Test
“Career Testing” Helps You Choose College Major (Can’t Choose, It’s Ok)
You may not be able to choose at the present time but going through an assessment exercise can be very insightful to you. There are various free tests available, one is “MyMajors” which we explain (click on link directly below).
- Identify your interests, Search Occupations, Match Majors With Colleges
- Save time with school search engine – 1,600 College Majors
- 40,000 Career information pages include; description, activities, education requirements, salary information, required skills, work styles, work values, much more.
- Search by college majors you identify, geographic area, school size, cost, admission requirements, financial aid data – search made easy.
Career tests for high school students planning process with the student’s input provide solutions to these problems.
- No Career Test, No Career Goals
- No College Major or Undeclared
- Undecided and Uncommitted
- Choosing the wrong school and switching schools
Why Can This Career Quiz Be Helpful?
This career assessment test program asks the students about their classes, their grades, which classes they liked/disliked, extra curricular activities, interests; then weighs these variables into possible career choices.
Then occupations you would enjoy, college majors that apply to those occupations, and colleges that meet those college majors with detailed college demographics.
[Strategy Alert]: “Geographic Diversity” – You might choose a school out of state from where you live. You can review where the students come from and your state might add to the diversity of the freshman class. You will be rewarded a cash award for this that does not have to be paid back, probably $1,000 – $2,000 per year (each school is different).
[Strategy Alert]: “Synergistic Strategy Compounding” – Let’s say it is $1,500, $6,000 over four years for one strategy should this one be appropriate. Now add up several college selection strategies and you not only reduce your out-of-pocket costs but also reduce possible debt that you would have to pay back.
“Choosing a College” – Amazing Results Revealed With Career Exploration
“Thank you so much for sending me the career test! I have completed the first two parts but it has already helped me a lot. I am going to try and take some more of the other modules this weekend when I have more time! But I just wanted to let you know I like how it shows what jobs I would be good at and also the salaries as well that’s interesting.” – Kylee, Grapevine Texas.
Learn more about Career Tests For High School Students and why this should be on the top of your list.
College Admissions, Financial Aid, Paying for College, Test Prep – A Decision Matrix
Parents Achieve Financial Clarity™
A big mistake occurs when you just apply to schools, receive the financial aid awards, and then do the family financial budget expense analysis. In so many situations it is too late.
There is an answer, but it takes planning during the college list process, and many times ever earlier.
We can measure your financial aid affordability or ways to pay for college if you do not qualify for financial aid.
Families Experience College Success™
Why is it that so many students cannot graduate in four years?
Mistakes, mistakes, and it is simply a vacuum of planning.
Why is that? Fear? Cost? Trust? Motivation?
All of these are no excuse.
When you never ask the question, you will never know the answer (except doubt of not asking).
Get Professional Help
When going to college there are basically two ways to pay for college, your money with possible debt, or other peoples’ money. The primary objective is to use as little of your money and debt as possible.
There is a third way to pay for college, Professional Help from a Trained College Planner that works to maximize the money you receive from the school/s.
College Coaching can save you time, money, and reduce confusion/stress when going to college.
When you have the right information with proper guidance college selection can be more accurate based on the student’s goals/interests and the family’s affordability criteria.
Proven strategies when properly executed benefit you and your family in many ways; here are three.
- Choosing the right college fit for the student,
- Making college costs more affordable and reducing possible debt,
- Saving time and eliminate stress.
As an example, one college strategy that uses the career/college exploration process is positioning the student in high school to maximize their financial opportunities receiving “free money” from colleges. The personal portfolio you create becomes your “brag sheet” that you present to colleges.
In fact, our coaching program takes this a step further with “option” for creating a student website and life long learning experience for those students who are interested in building an online portfolio.
Here are some tips in this area.
- Build a resume of solid achievement
- Concentrate on maintaining good grades
- College Test Prep Practice for standardized tests with our partner ePrep
- Select an area where you have a passion and donate time for community involvement
- Your personal portfolio can be used to show schools your “demonstrated interest” in their school, admissions personnel love this!
College Strategy “Knowledge….Process….Execution”
Predictable Outcomes For College Bound Families
Eliminate Decision Confusion
College is not only a decision-making matrix but also a financial burden that can cut into retirement savings. College-bound families can easily become overwhelmed and confused.
Coach-for-College provides an affordable systematic platform so families can do what they do best, live their daily lives as a family.
Here are a few of the areas
- Provide a proven online Career Test Assessment Tool
- Expected Family Contribution “Dry Runs” and Corrective Strategies
- Action step emails with “to-do” lists and follow up
- Video’s explaining individualized college planning strategies with written review / action steps
- Over 150 Financial Strategies including managing liabilities into assets
- Borrow Smart Repay Smart proprietary software analysis, cornerstone liability management program.
Examples Student Preparation Services;
- Academic, Application, and Admission guidance with online video processes
- On going tracking of agreed upon objectives with updates
- College Visitation Navigator
- College Decision Navigator
Parents and students are each involved with various planning components and Module 3 brings them together for family communication and agreed upon execution strategies moving forward through the College Bound process.
Contact Jim Kuhner by phone at 817-600-0576.
Email: [email protected]
Jim Kuhner