How to Save Thousands in College Tuition Costs
Credit by exam is a method that can really help your bank account and reduce possible college debt.
Credit by exam it is just like free grant money from colleges, it is a form of tuition discounts.
There is an educational portal website where you can take courses for free that prepare the student for college credit by exam.
You learn at your own pace and these courses use fun, engaging videos supported by text for both types of learners.
Earn College Credit Basically for Small Test Fee
The actual courses are free from the education portal. The only costs are to take the exams where you can earn college credit at over 2,900 colleges, see below for number of colleges based upon the earn transferable college credit platform.
When you pass a specified exam you can earn college credit hours. The number of hours and the participating schools vary based upon the subject test and the college credit testing platform.
You don’t have to be in College or you can be in College and still earn the credit (check with your college).
It’s very important to research the rules of the college/s that you plan to attend and/or are attending. You don’t want to pass a course and then not receive credit for it.
The credits are for core courses that you usually take during your first two years in college but there are upper level courses with one testing platform.
Master the Course Material Pass the Test Earn College Credit
When you pass the test you earn credit that transfers to the college of your choice as long as they accept the test results.
Obviously it is important to develop a plan of action where you make sure colleges that you are interested in (or maybe you are enrolled) accept the credit.
Here are the types of tests that are supported by the educational portal.
- College Level Examination Program (“CLEP”)
- Excelsior
- DSST (Dantes)
- AP Exams
CLEP consists of 33 subject specific tests. It is the most widely used and supported by over 2,900 colleges that provide college credit ranging from 3 to 12 hours for each exam.
The exams are 90 minutes long and cost only $80 plus a small fee for the testing center that varies by center.
In 2012 18,000 students used Excelsior exams to earn college credit.
Excelsior College® is a regionally accredited not-for-profit college that offers 63 exams. Over 1,000 colleges and universities provide transferable credit with approximately 2,500 total accredited institutions.
Most exams cost $95 yielding 3 – 8 college credits for general and upper level college courses.
There are 38 DANTES subject specific standardized tests approved for college credit by the American Council of Eduction’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE Credit)
These transferable college credits are accepted by over 2,000 colleges.
The exam costs around $80 plus a small test center fee that varies. Each test is worth 3 college credits and are two hours long.
There are 34 subject AP Exams that allow students to earn transferable credit.
Many high schools offer AP courses and the education portal can be used as an additional resource for students.
Costs is $89 and each course is worth 3 college credits.
Prior-Learning Assessment (“PLA”) Rewards Students With Success
A 2010 study by Council for Adult and Experimental Learning produced a study in 2010 indicating PLA students enjoyed better academic outcomes that those students without PLA expereince in these areas;
- Graduation Rates were improved citing more than half of the PLA students graduated in 7 years compared to only 21% of non-PLA students.
- Graduating faster which saves money followed suit with PLA students awarded a bachelor’s degree saving on the average 2.5 to 10.1 months compared to non-PLA students. For PLA students earning associate’s degree average time saved 1.5 to 4.5 months.
- PLA students earn more institutional credits than non-PLA students.
College Credit by Exam is Really a Free Grant from the College
When a college awards you college credit they are essentially providing you a grant in addition to other types of merit aid you might receive.